Calling all Doctor Who Fans!

My blog has been silent for a while. Sorry about that. I was feeling really philosophical and reading up a storm. But the craft in me hasn’t been totally dormant. I have been working on a 4th doctor scarf for my youngest son, Tater (who’s not so young anymore). He has been in love with Doctor Who for years now, and the 4th Doctor is his favorite. For Christmas, his oldest sister, Almost Nearly Normal, got him enough yarn to make this eternally long gem, and guess who got to do all the work? You guessed it! Me. So essentially my Christmas gift for this year should already be checked off my list, wouldn’t you say?


Tater is 5’9″ for reference. It wraps around twice and still almost touches the ground. I couldn’t do an exact match because let’s face it… I can’t knit, but I think we caught the essence of the scarf anyway.

He looks pretty happy anyway.

Enjoy the Dance! ;D

Rebecca Rée

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